About Formula One Racing

There are many kinds of auto racing but only one is considered the most popular around the world…  Formula One or F1 auto racing. Here are a couple of vital items about F1 racing:

The F1 Cars

F1 racing uses a very special type of car. The cars are usually hands-designed by auto racing fanatics and high end auto companies like Ferrari. Some distinguishing parts of this type of race car is that the F1 engine sits behind the driver and there’s a wide open cockpit.

F1 and skill

Just like any type of auto racing, F1 auto racing takes a lot of skill and ability. However, F1 is the race type that can take more ability than the others. For instance, how a race is won or lost is dependent mainly on how one handles the vehicle, through all the tracks twists, turns and hills, and while travelling at upwards of 200 mph.

Another special talent of F1 drivers is their ability to handle Corners. Cornering and turning in tune the racetrack means knowing effectively how to handle the brakes, deceleration, and speed at the same time